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Grail Knight
Post count: 29
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#2146 |

Unity is what is missing in the ‘Christian World.’ Right now, ‘Radical Islam’ seems to be ‘United,’ and is doing much ‘Evil’ and creating a great deal of ‘Darkness.’ Christianity, on the other hand, seems to be divided, disunified and is fighting……one denomination against the other. While we Christians are busy ‘Bad-Mouthing’ one another…..the Radical Islamists just sit back and laugh at us.

If Christendom (no matter what denomination we belong to) does not ‘Band Together’ under the ‘Banner of Jesus Christ,’…..then we will all go down in flames….seperately.

We are all Brothers & Sisters in our Lord & King Jesus Christ………not much else really matters.

The Quest for The Holy Grail was never meant to be achieved. It was meant to be 'Lived' - now, today & forever. For God & Neighbor, I live & Serve.